LCD LED lights do not light up the reasons and solutions


After the LCD screen is powered on, if you encounter led lights do not light up, there are generally those problems, how should be solved.

1. LED lights do not light up is the driver problem

LCD power on the light does not light up, nine times out of ten is the driver of the problem. Light-emitting diodes on the current, voltage requirements are high, the current, voltage is too large or too small can not be lit properly, so the need for constant current driver and rectifier, voltage regulator and other devices to maintain the use of the driver.

If the LCD screen lights up after the lamp beads are not lit, the first thing you should consider is the driver problem. 

At this time, you can buy a new driver for replacement. LCD screen lit LED light brightness darkening solution

This problem should be linked to the previous problem together. LCD electric light brightness dimmed or not bright, are likely to be the case.

2. LCD lamp beads problem

LED lamp beads is divided into a string of a string, each string on the lamp beads, is connected in series, between the string and the string, is connected in parallel.

Therefore, the string has a lamp bead burned, it will lead to the string of lamp beads are not bright. If each string has a burned-out lamp bead, it will cause the whole electric light to be unlit. If there is a burned out lamp bead in each string, the capacitor or resistor on the driver should be considered a problem. The burned lamp beads and normal lamp beads can be seen from the appearance, the burned lamp beads have a black dot in the middle of the position, and the dot can not be erased, the red circle is the burned lamp beads.

If the number of burned beads is not much, the two soldering feet behind the burned beads can be soldered together with a soldering iron. If the number of burned beads is too much, it is recommended to buy a bead board to replace it, so as not to affect the lighting brightness.

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